This blog is for Melvin and Drucilla Bradshaw's Family. It is full of colorful and lovely people just like the patches on a quilt.
If Grandpa and Grandma Bradshaw were still with us today they would be proud of each one of you.
They loved family and they taught us to be loyal to our family. "Family is everything"

Please leave a note with updates on your family.
If you know about something posted, please be sure to add or correct what may have been left out or you can send an email to meldru@live.com so we can correct the information.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Birthdays September

Janet Davis, Russell - September 1
Julia Bradshaw, Peterson - September 3
Brittany Nelson, Bullock - September 8
Debbie Bradshaw - September 18
Brady Tiffany - September 22
VieNeil Bradshaw - September 23
Maggie (Noreen) Bradshaw - September 26
Julie Davis, Johnson - September 27

1 comment:

Papachi & Mamachi fun said...

If you would like to send them a birthday email---here are the addresses I have.
Janet Russell ---

Debbie Bradshaw---

Brady Tiffany---